Sawtooth Simulation, LLC

To provide the Nuclear Power Community with an Advanced Modeling & Simulation resource to substantially increase nuclear power's profitability, reliability, and effectiveness


  • To perform commercial design and safety analysis and multi-scale fuel performance modeling and simulation services for Advanced Reactor Concepts (ARCs) and microreactors.
  • To provide low uncertainty calculations for regularity purposes (fuel performance, thermal hydraulics, neutronics, and severe accident and source term).

NekRS velocity components for turbulent flow in a pebble bed reactor
NekRS velocity components for turbulent flow in a pebble bed reactor with 524 386 spectral elements for 1568 pebbles.


  • Sawtooth Simulation leverages software physics packages from DOE-NE's NEAMS Program, university programs, and our in-house developments.
  • We utilize the NEAMS' MOOSE HPC framework to couple both MOOSE-based and external physics tools.

A spectral element mesh
NekRS: A spectral element mesh using 524,386 spectral elements for the 1568-pebble configuration.


Sawtooth Simulation’s primary focus is Advanced Reactor modeling and simulation, including multi-dimensional reactor design and analysis, multi-scale predictive fuel performance analysis for existing and advanced fuel concepts, and NPP systems analysis.

Modeling & Simulation Capabilities:

  • 3D high-resolution full-core analysis coupled to NPP balance of plant.
  • Reactor physics, radiation transport, thermal fluids (CFD), fuel performance, and advanced power generation cycles.
  • General purpose non-nuclear analysis for thermomechanics and CFD.
  • Multi-physics software developed specifically for customers’ unique needs.
OpenMC fission power
OpenMC fission power in the HTGR fuel compacts, with the BISON solid temperature in the non-fuel regions (on a different color scale).